Sunday, April 16, 2006

This is what we're saying!!

We've been talking of this forever folks.. our mom's were right to say 'we are what we eat' and to 'eat our vegetables'.. only we didn't understand that when we don't eat foods that actually give our bodies nutrients rather than empty calories and how much it effects us.

We found this with our son Elias. When he eats table sugar or things with regular sugar in it.. watch out! He has a very hard time controlling his emotions...everything becomes exceedingly dramatic; joy, fear, pain, frustration, anger. Even Kix cereal is too high in high glycemic content for him. Trust me Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween are both studies in emotional management and very careful parceling of sugary treats. The rest of the year... it is increasingly rare that we indulge in the high sugar treats. We've found it is just not worth the headache for the most part.

What we do with Mannatech is intimately related to this as well.. we work with the very nutrients we may need the most. The glyconutrients that make up the chains of molecules our cells use to communicate with each other. Without these key nutrients.. well ever play telephone with a larger group of people? No matter how large that was, it was infinitely less complex than the vast number of cells we have in our body that need to communicate with each other. Or imagine trying to read a sentence devoid of all vowels. How well would you be able to communicate your message?

s ths gttng acrss t ny n?

Or even worse.. imagine you could suddenly only use the short line and the small curve that make up our alphabet. How clear would your sentences be then? How many letters in this sentence along would be effected?

Scientists have been finding that without these critical nutrients our bodies are not able to get across their needs, they are not able to accept key components they require (ie insulin), they are fighting their native cells (autoimmune issues), they aren't recognizing enemies early enough to do something about it (cancers, etc). We have been seeing the body bounce back to wellness in the most amazing ways. Now this fascinating article about the use of nutrients in reducing violent behavior. Not as a tranquilizers.. rather as a modulator that allows the body to regulate, defend and repair itself as it is intended to do and allow the person to act in a higher capacity of thought, rather than in a reactionary emotion.

Published: April 16, 2006

Most prisons are notorious for the quality of their cuisine (pretty poor) and the behavior of their residents (pretty violent). They are therefore ideal locations to test a novel hypothesis: that violent aggression is largely a product of poor nutrition. Toward that end, researchers are studying whether inmates become less violent when put on a diet rich in vitamins and in the fatty acids found in seafood.

Could a salmon steak and a side of spinach really help curb violence, not just in prison but everywhere? In 2001, Dr. Joseph Hibbeln, a senior clinical investigator at the National Institutes of Health, published a study, provocatively titled "Seafood Consumption and Homicide Mortality," that found a correlation between a higher intake of omega-3 fatty acids (most often obtained from fish) and lower murder rates.

Link to rest of article

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