Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Codex Alimentarius Summarized in 7 Points, the website of the Natural Solutions Foundation,
beholden to no one: our only interest is health freedom.

Rima E. Laibow, MD, successful natural medicine physician since the 1970s,
has studied 16,000 pages of Codex documentation. Her conclusion is that people
who say that Codex is "consumer protection", "voluntary", or "harmless" are, at best,
seriously mistaken.

1) Started in 1962 by UN, Imposed by WTO Sanctions

Codex Alimentarius was created in 1962 as a trade Commission by the UN to
control the international trade of food. Its initial intentions may have
been altruistic but it has been taken over by corporate interests, most
notably the pharmaceutical, pesticide, biotechnology and chemical industries

Codex Alimentarius is backed up by the crippling trade sanctions of the
World Trade Organization (WTO). Any non Codex-compliant nation would face
huge economic punishment since they would automatically lose in any
food-trade dispute with a Codex compliant country.

2) "Nutrients are Toxins" Is Junk Science

Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has two committees which impact
nutrition. One of them, the "Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for
Special Dietary Uses" (CCNFSDU), is chaired by Dr. Rolf Grossklaus, a physician
who believes that nutrition has no role in health. This is the "top-guy" for Codex
nutritional policy, and he has stated that "nutrition is not relevant to

As unbelievable as it may sound, Dr. Grossklaus actually declared nutrients
to be toxins in 1994 and instituted the use of toxicology (Risk Assessment)
to prevent nutrients from having any impact on humans who take supplements!
It is worth mentioning that Dr. Grossklaus happens to own the Risk
Assessment company advising CCNFSDU and Codex on this issue. This company
makes money when its toxicology services are used for the "assessment" of
nutrients. Here in the U.S. we call that a "conflict of interest".

Codex is made up of thousands of standards and guidelines. One of them, the
Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG), is designed to permit only ultra low
doses of vitamins and minerals (and make clinically effective nutrients
illegal). How can the VMG restrict dosages of vitamins and minerals? By
using Risk Assessment (toxicology) to assess nutrients. While Risk Assessment is a
legitimate science (it is a branch of toxicology) it is the wrong science for assessing nutrients!
In fact, in this context, it is actually junk science. Biochemistry,
the science of life processes, is the correct science for assessing nutrients.

Codex Alimentarius treats nutrients as toxins, which is literally insane.

Nutrients are not toxins - they are essential for life.

No matter what Codex Alimentarius officials say to convince you that Risk
Assessment is a "science-based" approach to nutrients, it is not.
And it is worth repeating that Dr. Grossklaus, the head of Codex
Alimentarius, owns the Risk Assessment company advising CCNFSDU and Codex on
the "benefit" of using Risk Assessment to assess nutrients.

3) Not Consumer Protection - That's Propaganda

Contrary to the propaganda, Codex Alimentarius has nothing to do with
consumer protection. Nothing! Codex is about the economic ambitions of
multi-national corporations, in particular, the pharmaceutical industry.
Using their multi billion-dollar marketing budgets, these industries have
launched a massive media propaganda campaign to paint Codex Alimentarius as
a benevolent tool of "consumer protection", as well as to negatively taint
the image of natural health options and mislead people to fear them as
"dangerous", so they will take drugs (which really are dangerous). Natural
health products and options have an amazing safety record and are remarkably
effective, especially when compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
Unfortunately, one-time defenders of health freedom such as National
Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA) and Council for Responsible Nutrition
(CRN) have joined the propaganda bandwagon and are spreading false
information saying that Codex Alimentarius is either "harmless" or
benevolent "consumer protection". Neither is true.

The membership of these one-time defenders of health freedom has become
permeated by people from the pharmaceutical industry (for example, CRN
counts as its members corporations such as Monsanto® and Bayer®).

4) Codex: Serious Threat to Health and Health Freedom

If Codex Alimentarius is implemented in the United States of America,
therapeutic dosages of vitamins and minerals (and all other nutrients soon
to follow) will become unavailable because they will literally become

Here's how it would work, in a nut-shell:

Due to the junk science use of Risk Assessment (toxicology) to assess
supposedly toxic nutrients, a false belief is being engineered saying that
nutritional supplements are dangerous to people's health".
Using this false belief generates calls to "protect" people from these
toxic" nutrients. After the calls come the bills to set ultra low
permissible dosages (remember, nutrients are deemed "dangerous toxins" under
this false belief). If enough of us and our Congressional delegates buy this
nonsense, we and Congress would blindly comply with Codex Alimentarius' VMG.
And blind compliance is what the industries behind Codex Alimentarius intend.

Blind compliance goes hand-in-hand with lack of activism. This lack of
activism allows our protective laws, classifying nutrients as foods with no
upper limits (such as DSHEA), to be easily repealed and replaced with
draconian laws to classify nutrients as toxins. And "harmonization" with the
pro-illness, pro-pharmaceutical industry Vitamin and Mineral Guideline is
there to fill the void. Only intentionally ineffective, ultra low dose supplements
would be legal, with or without a prescription, on the VMG list. If enough people do not
take action, we can expect to watch nutritional supplement manufacturers and
thus health food stores, to go out of business, in a domino effect. The
only player left standing would be Big Pharma.

Therapeutic grade vitamins, minerals, and amino acids would be eliminated
from the marketplace (although a few low-dose supplements would be allowed
by Codex, as a symbolic measure to avoid suspicion about their ulterior motive).

Natural health professionals would lose the tools of their trade
(nutritional supplements) and health conscious people would be unable to
choose natural health options for health promotion and disease treatment.
And that is, in a nutshell, how Codex Alimentarius is poised to make Natural
and Nutritional Medicine (NNM) disappear from the legal health world and go
underground. Who benefits? Big Pharma.

It would take a few years for the above scenarios to be feasible (Codex
Alimentarius is meant to go into full global effect by 2010). The slower the
process takes, the less alarmed people will be. That's probably the logic of
the architects of Codex Alimentarius.

5) Serves Economic Interests of Sickness Industries Through WTO and Napoleonic Code

More and more people are turning to natural health products globally. The
"wellness" trend is a major trend in today's society. The more natural health
products people use, the fewer drugs they buy. The pharmaceutical industry,
which is part of the "Sickness Industry", fears the inevitable shift toward
natural health care.

Instead of accepting the will of the people and rethinking the future of the
pharmaceutical industry, the industry has decided upon an unethical course
of action: the use of deception and deceit to eliminate natural health
products completely.

Codex Alimentarius is a shrewd vehicle for protecting the pharmaceutical
industry from the loss of income it stands to suffer due to the inevitable
growth of natural healthcare.

Codex Alimentarius is the resistance of the dinosaurs to inevitability: the
burgeoning desire of humanity for a healthier, saner, and more sustainable
way of life.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) intends to force Codex Alimentarius upon
the nations of the world, including the U.S. This would be done under the
threat of massive economic sanctions if WTO-countries do not comply with
Codex Alimentarius.

Furthermore, Codex is based in the Napoleonic Code, not Common Law. That
means that under Codex Alimentarius, anything not explicitly permitted is
forbidden. Under Common Law, we hold that anything not explicitly forbidden
is permitted. The difference is the difference between health freedom and
health tyranny. Codex Alimentarius would be able to ban supplements by

6) DSHEA Protects America From Codex Alimentarius

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA, 1994), an American
law classifying our supplements and herbs as foods (which can have no upper
limit set on their use), was passed by unanimous Congressional consent
following massive grass-roots support organized by health food stores.
Millions of American activists told Congress, in no uncertain terms:
"Protect nutritional supplements as foods or we will remove you from office."

Congress listened and carried out the will of the people.
DSHEA appropriately classifies nutritional supplements as foods which can
have no upper limits set on their use. DSHEA recognizes that people use
nutrients safely to deal with their individually differing needs for
nutrients. The concept of biochemical individuality means that people have
different needs for nutrients at different times. Are nutrients toxins? No,
they are not toxins. They are substances essential to prevent, treat and
cure any chronic condition, in differing doses at different times in
different people.

DSHEA protects the US from Codex Alimentarius' deadly Vitamin and Mineral
Guideline. We must reach our Congressional members, educate them about the
facts on Codex Alimentarius and direct them to vote against anything that
would threaten DSHEA.

Congress holds the keys to our health freedom. And it is their job to listen
to us. Let's not allow cynicism to tell us otherwise. We did it for DSHEA in
1994. We can do it again in 2005.

7) Your Action is Needed Now!

DSHEA is right now under significant legislative attack. Your letter-writing
is crucial: if the members of Congress know that voting against health
freedom means losing their jobs come election time, they will listen. Our
job is to make sure they get the message loud and clear. Take action via our
3 easy steps and send personalized emails to Congress right now.
After taking action on, consider getting together with
others in your area and visit your Congressional members in their home
offices. If we wait, we lose our health freedoms. Once we "HARMonize" with
Codex, by the way, we no longer have the right, while we belong to the WTO,
to repeal or change that "HARMonization"!


The objective of the pro-Codex Alimentarius multi nationals is to "boil the
frog slowly" so that we do not wake up to it in time to avoid Codex.
Once we have "HARMonized" to Codex Alimentarius, as long as we are in the WTO
we cannot amend or change what we've been "HARMonized" to.
Codex Alimentarius will go into global implementation by December 31, 2009,
unless We, the People, avert it. We must act now because right now, with
$758 Million spent on declared Congressional lobbying by Big Pharma last
year, there are members of Congress who are trying to overturn DSHEA and
allow Pharma-friendly free reign for Codex. If protective laws like DSHEA
are destroyed, the sanctioning power of the autocratic WTO kicks in, and it
will be impossible to get out from under Codex Alimentarius. We can protect
our access to high potency nutrients and stave off an adulterated food
supply only by putting pressure on Congress.


Gah! This Codex stinks!


Xenoestrogens Interfere with your Normal Hormones

How to avoid Xenoestrogens

Xenoestrogens are found in everyday synthetic materials. These materials were previously thought to be inert. Cut out the xenoestrogens from your life.

by Elizabeth Smith, M.D.

Xeno literally means foreign. So xenoestrogens means foreign estrogens. Some of the 100,000 registered chemicals for use in the world have hormonal effects in addition to toxic and carcinogenic effects. Also the synergistic effects are known to occur but also are largely exactly unknown. The field of xenohormones is new, and only been in existence since about 1991.

Critics have proclaimed that these chemicals are for the most part "weak". The body's hormones are at levels of parts per trillion. However, many of the chemicals that affect the hormone systems are routinely found in the serum after sauna at parts per billion. In other words, these chemicals that affect the hormone systems of the human body occur at 100 to 1000 times greater concentration than that of the normal human hormones. One researcher demonstrated that two "weak" estrogens may act synergistically to give a strong estrogen response. Some of these Xenoestrogens like DDE (a metabolite of DDT) may persist in the body fat for decades. Many of these mimicking hormones were previously thought to occur in pesticides. However, many of the newly discovered xenoestrogens are found in every day previously thought to be inert materials.

Some of the following is information taken from Our Stolen Future by Theo Colborn:


A study published in the Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine in 1950 by two Syracuse University Zoologists Lindeman and Burlington described how doses of DDT prevented young roosters from developing normally. They injected DDT into roosters by injecting the pesticide into forty young roosters for a period of 2 to 3 months. The daily doses of DDT did not kill the roosters or even made them sick. It made them look weird; they looked like hens. The birds testicles were only 18% of normal size. Their combs and wattles remained stunted and pale. The roosters were chemically castrated.

Micheal Fry, a wild life toxicologist, at the University of California at Davis injected eggs from western and California gull colonies with DDT and a breakdown product of DDT, DDE, and methoxychlor (another synthetic pesticide known to bind to estrogen receptors). He found the feminization of the male's reproductive tracts. Typical female cells were found in the testicles, and in cases of higher doses, the presence of an oviduct, the egg-laying canal normally found only in females. Despite all this internal disruption, the chick looked completely normal.

"The roosters were chemically castrated by DDT."

DDT was found to bind to the estrogen receptor sites. It is now considered one of the classic xenoestrogens.

DDT was banned in the United States. However, world wide production of DDT has never been higher. In fact, DDT is manufactured in the United States and shipped to third world countries. DDT is metabolized to DDE in the human body within a few months. DDE then may last in the human body for several decades. However, some medical doctors occasionally find DDT in the serum routinely following intensive sauna. So where is this new exposure to DDT coming from? The United States ships DDT to third world countries that spray it on vegetables and fruits. This agricultural produce is shipped to United States supermarkets where Americans consume it. In 1991, the United States exported 96 tons of DDT.

Another source may come from your living area. If your house is near or built upon old agricultural land, DDT will persist in the soil for several centuries.

Plastics, Spermicide, Detergent, and Personal Care Products

At Tufts Medical School in Boston in 1987, Soto and Sonnenschein serendipitously discovered that plastic test tubes thought to be inert contained a chemical that stimulated breast cancer cells to grow and proliferate wildly. They were experimenting with malignant breast cancer cells that were sensitive to estrogen. When exposed to estrogen the cells would grow and multiply, and when isolated from estrogen, the cells would stop multiplying.

During the course of their experiments, they found that the test tube manufacturer changed the formulation of the plastic test tubes that they were using. The manufacturer had used p-nonylphenol one of the family of synthetic chemicals called alkylphenols to make these plastics more stable and less breakable. Manufacturers routinely add nonlyphenols to polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). These new plastic test tubes caused their estrogen sensitive breast cancer cells to proliferate, multiply and grow. Thus, they concluded that p-nonylphenol acted like an estrogen.

"These new plastic test tubes caused their estrogen sensitive breast cancer cells to proliferate, multiply and grow"

Theo Colborn

One study showed that the food processing industry and packaging industry used PVC's that contained nonlyphenols. Another reported contamination of water that had passed through PVC tubing. Even a compound found in contraceptive creams nonoxynol-9 breaks down inside the animal's body to produce nonylphenol. Breakdown of chemicals such as those found in industrial detergents, pesticides, and personal care products give rise to nonylphenol. Global production of alkylphenols polyethoxylate was 600 million pounds in 1990. Although the products purchased by the consumer are not themselves estrogenic; studies have found that bacteria in the animal's bodies, in the environment, or in sewage treatment plants degrade these alkylphenol polyethoxylates, creating nonylphenol and other xenoestrogens.

Plastic Drinking Bottles and Plastics used with food

In 1993, at Stanford University School of Medicine, Dave Feldman, professor of medicine was experimenting with a yeast estrogen protein that binds to estrogen. They found that the polycarbonate bottles used to hold drinking water contained bisphenol-A. They used the polycarbonate lab flasks to sterilize Plastic bottles cause endometriosisthe water used in their experiments. Bisphenol-A nicely bound to the estrogen protein found in the yeast. This polycarbonate plastic is routinely used for the giant jugs used in shipping water.

The manufacturer was aware that the bottles would leach particularly if exposed to high temperatures and caustic cleaners and so developed a washing regimen that they thought would solve the problem. However, the researchers discovered that the manufacturer could not detect samples sent from their lab, samples that were causing proliferation of estrogen responsive breast cancer cells. This proved to be a detection limit in the manufacturer's lab equipment. The Stanford team found that 2-5 parts per billion of bisphenol-A was enough to cause the breast cancer cells to proliferate.

Professor Feldman noted that though bisphenol-A is 2000X less potent than estrogen, "it still has activity in the parts per billion range."

One Dartmouth University Study showed that plastic wrap heated in a microwave oven with vegetable oil had 500,000 times the minimum amount of xenoestrogens needed to stimulate breast cancer cells to grow in the test tube.

Detergent Breakdown Products

John Sumpter a biologist from Brunel University in Uxbridge began to study sexually confused fish reported from anglers fishing in English rivers. Many fish caught in the lagoons and pools just below the discharge from sewage plants looked quite bizarre. Even experienced fisherman could not tell if a fish was male or female. The fish showed male and female characteristics at the same time. They were perfect examples of intersex where an individual is stranded between both sexes.

Sumpter used a marker that helped identify female fish. Normally in females a special trout show xenoestrogens endometriosisegg protein is made called vitellogenin, in response to estrogen from the ovaries. On the estrogen signal from the ovaries, the liver produces vitellogenin and the protein is incorporated into the eggs. Since the response is dependent on estrogen, vitellogenin levels found in male fish would be a good indication of estrogen exposure.

Caged fish raised in captivity and then kept in the contaminated pools made 1000X to 100,000X more vitellogenin than control trout kept in clean water.

15 sites were sampled with soaring vitellogenin levels. It was a national problem. Alkylphenol levels from detergent breakdown products are high on the suspect list. However, Sumpter suspects that it is the synergistic qualities of several xenoestrogens acting together.

Canned Foods

Two Spanish Scientists at the University of Granada decided to investigate the plastic coatings that manufacturers use to line the metal cans. The coating is added to avoid the metallic taste of metal in the food from the cans. These linings are present in about 85% of the cans. Fatima Olea and Nicolas Olea, an M.D., specializing in endocrine cancers worked with Soto and Sonnenschein. In a study analyzing twenty brands of canned foods purchased in the United States and in Spain, they discovered bisphenol-A, the same chemical that the Stanford researchers discovered, in about half of the canned food up to levels of 80 parts per billion. This is 27 times greater concentration of bisphenol-A needed to cause the breast cancer cells to proliferate in the Stanford Study.

Commercially raised Beef, Chicken and Pork

endometriosis cattleCommercially raised livestock are routinely given xenoestrogens to fatten them up, grow quickly, and cause them to retain water. This results in greater profits for the farmer. It is an effective, cheap, quick way to fatten them up. In the 1970's and 1980's there was an epidemic in Puerto Rico of early puberty in girls as young as a year old and even young boys who developed breasts caused by meat and dairy products containing high levels of estrogen. In the United States, the use of estrogen compounds is now slightly better regulated, but it is still very much used and abused.

"Young boys developed breasts."

John Lee, M.D.

DES (diethylstilbestrol), a type of synthetic estrogen, was the first hormone to be used by the meat industry to fatten up livestock until it was discovered that it causes cancer even in extremely minute amounts.

Birth Control Pills

Birth Control Pills contain a synthetic estrogen and a synthetic progestin to force the body to cycle in a normal manner even though conception may have occurred and different hormones levels are supposed to occur. Is it really nice to fool mother nature? Many times what we see clinically is that it takes one year or more for a woman's period to become normal after stopping birth control pills. This is because the synthetic estrogens and progestins in the birth control pills are oil soluble and difficult for the body to get rid of.

Why not use a simpler method of birth control such as condoms? Use one that does not use a spermicide such as nonoxynol-9. Researchers found that once nonoxynol-9 gets into a rats body it breaks down into nonylphenol - a known xenoestrogen.

Preservative Methyl Paraben in Skin Lotions and Gels

For many years, parabens were considered among those preservatives with low systemic toxicity, primarily causing allergic reactions. However, as we have become aware that some synthetic chemicals mimic the female hormone estrogen, our understanding of the toxic effects of both synthetic and natural substances has changed. Now, John Sumpter from the Department of Biology & Biochemistry, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, have found that alkyl hydroxy benzoate preservatives (namely methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and butylparaben) are weakly estrogenic. In an estrogen receptor-binding assay, butylparaben was able to compete with the female hormone estradiol for binding to estrogen receptors with an affinity approximately 5 orders of magnitude lower than that of diethylstilbestrol (a highly carcinogenic synthetic estrogen), and between 1 and 2 orders of magnitude less than nonylphenol (an estrogenic synthetic industrial chemical).

Although it is reassuring to note that when administered orally, the parabens were inactive, subcutaneous administration of butylparaben produced a positive estrogenic response on uterine tissues. Although approximately 100,000 times less potent than17 beta-estradiol, greater exposure to the parabens may compensate for their lower potency. The researchers conclude that, "Given their use in a wide range of commercially available topical preparations, it is suggested that the safety in use of these chemicals should be reassessed . . ."

The European Union has asked the European Cosmetics and Toiletry industry about these new findings and the implication for breast cancer. These preservatives are found in the vast majority of skin an body lotions, even in natural progesterone creams. Generally, for the sterol hormones, taken orally the hormones are 90% first pass metabolized by the liver. Thus, taken orally only 10% reaches the body. In contrast, anything absorbed by the skin is directly absorbed. In other words, anything absorbed through the skin may be as high as 10 times the concentration of an oral dose.

Unfortunately, some natural progesterone creams were found to contain methyl and propyl parabens as a preservative.

Unfortunately, some natural progesterone creams were found to contain methyl and propyl parabens as a preservative.

Shampoos that Purposely Contain Very High Amounts of Estrogen

African Americans favored shampoos with clinically active high doses of estrogen. They also used them on their children. In 1998 Tiwary, now retired, published a study of four girls - including a 14-month-old - Plastic bottles cause PMSwho developed breasts or pubic hair months after beginning to use such products. The symptoms started to disappear when they stopped using them. The year before, he published a study showing that some of the products used by his patients contained up to one milligram (1 mg) of estradiol per one ounce of shampoo. By comparison a normal adult topical skin dose for estradiol is 0.02-0.05 mg/day. This means that one ounce of shampoo contains 50 times the daily ADULT dose of estradiol. A small handful of this shampoo on your child every day may give her OR HIM breasts! See the article here.


Tyrone B. Hayes of the University of California at Berkeley found that atrazine, the most commonly used weed killer in North America, affected frogs at doses as small as 0.1 part per billion. As the amount of atrazine increased, as many as 20 percent of frogs exposed during their early development produced multiple sex organs or had both male and female organs. Many had small, feminized larynxes. See the article here.

Plastic IV Bags

The United States FDA warns that prolonged fluid exposure in IV bags may affect testicle development in young boys. The chemical, called DEHP, can leach from the plastic into certain liquids, especially fat-containing ones like blood. Studies of young animals show the chemical can affect testicle development and production of normal sperm. Some companies already label that their products contain phthalates (DHEP), and the FDA soon will issue a recommendation � not a requirement � that more companies do so.

"FDA's public health notification falls far short of what is needed to protect patients," said Charlotte Brody of Health Care Without Harm, a group working to reduce the amount of phthalates � the family of chemicals that includes DEHP � in a variety of products, from plastic toys to cosmetics.

5 Out of 6 Chemicals Used to block UV in Sunscreen are Estrogenic

Margaret Schlumpf and her colleagues (Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zurich, Switzerland) have found that many widely-used sunscreen chemicals mimic the effects of estrogen and trigger developmental abnormalities in rats. (Schlumpf , Margaret; Beata Cotton, Marianne Conscience, Vreni Haller, Beate Steinmann, Walter Lichtensteiger. In vitro and in vivo estrogenicity of UV screens. Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 109 (March 2001) pp 239-244) Her group tested six common chemicals that are used in sunscreens, lipsticks and facial cosmetics.Sunscreen may cause endometrisosis Five of the six tested chemicals (benzophenone-3, homosalate, 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor (4-MBC), octyl-methoxycinnamate and octyl-dimethyl-PABA) behaved like strong estrogen in lab tests and caused cancer cells to grow more rapidly. Only one chemical - a UVA protector called butyl-methoxydibenzoylmethane (B-MDM) - showed no activity. Uterine growth and endometriosis :One very common sunscreen chemical, 4-MBC, was mixed with olive oil and applied to rat skin. This caused a doubling of the rate of uterine growth well before puberty. "That was scary, because we used concentrations that are in the range allowed in sunscreens," said Schlumpf. Three of the six caused developmental abnormalities in animals. The major cause of sterility in women in the USA is endometriosis, a condition afflicting 5.5% of American women. Exposure to excessive estrogen, that may have come from such sunscreens, is felt to be the primary cause of endometriosis. Perhaps a sunscreen using zinc oxide is a better choice.

Common Chemical in Personal Care Products, Fragrances, Paints, Plastics and Cosmetics May cause Testicular Defects in Boys

For the first time, scientists have shown that pregnant mothers exposed to high but common levels of a widely used ingredient in cosmetics, fragrances, plastics and paints can have baby boys with smaller genitals and incomplete testicular descent. Previous work had shown that prenatal phthalate exposure in rodents can critically affect male hormones, resulting in impaired testicular descent and smaller genital size. The Swan study is the first to look at effects in humans.While none of the boys showed clear malformation or disease, in the 25% of mothers with the highest levels of phthalate exposure, the odds were 10 times higher that their sons would have a shorter than expected distance between the anus and the base of the penis. This so-called AGD measurement is a sensitive indicator of impacts on their reproductive system. See the article here.


From a strictly research point of view there may not be enough evidence to create public outrage and shift public opinion. It is a known medical fact that estrogen stimulates breast cancer. However, it is disconcerting to note that the breast cancer rate is now 1 out of 8 women where before breast cancer in the 1950's was 1 out of 20. Dr. Lee believes that overdose of estrogen leads to PMS. The hallmark of PMS is a few pounds of weight gain just before your period. So what do we do?

* Use glass or ceramics whenever possible to store food and water. Heat up your food using a glass or ceramic bowl covered with dish. When plastic is heated, it diffuses very rapidly into food. The Dartmouth University study showed that plastic wrap heated in a microwave in vegetable oil had 500,000 times the minimum amount of xenoestrogens needed to stimulate breast cancer cells in a test tube to grow.
* Use a simple detergent with less chemicals; Nature Clean is a good choice for both laundry detergent and dish washing detergent.
* Simple Soap is a safe choice for shampoo and a body soap.
* Use natural pest control not pesticides.
* Avoid Synthetic Chemicals - Healthy Living in a Toxic World by Cynthia Fincher PhD. from (see books) is a good place to start.
* Don't use herbicides; use a cup of salt in a gallon of vinegar.
* Buy hormone free meats to eat.
* Buy "Organic" produce, produce grown without pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizer or hormones.
* Use Condoms without spermicide for Birth control instead of Birth Control Pills. Use Natural Progesterone instead of HRT.
* In general, the hormones taken orally are first pass metabolized by the liver 80%-90%. However, when these hormones are applied to the skin, the hormones are directly absorbed by the body. Thus, any skin dose is 10 times that of an oral dose. The vast majority of skin lotions and creams use the parabens as a preservative. Avoid them at all costs. Instead apply a vegetable oil right after a shower to hydrate the skin and lock in the moisture.

The very important changes to make are do NOT eat food with HOT plastic. Change your laundry detergent, no fabric softener, no dryer sheets, change your lotions, soaps, shampoos, and makeup to avoid parabens. Avoid coffee.

Vendors: Living Source (254) 776-4878 for Nature Clean, Green Co. 800-809-0610 for Conti Castile Soap.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

15 Ways the Auto Industry Would Change if it Operated Like Drug Companies

By Mike Adams, The Health Ranger

What would happen if you had to buy your car from a company that operated in the same way as the pharmaceutical industries? Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, came up with 15 unsettling changes that would occur.


áYour car would cost $4.5 million, a 30,000 percent markup over cost.

áThe same car would be available in Canada or Mexico for less than $5,000.

Dealing with Competition

áMeanwhile, automakers would be lobbying Congress to outlaw bicycles and airplanes, just as the drug companies try to do with herbs and nutritional supplements.

áAll auto imports would be banned. If you drove a Toyota down from Canada, you would be arrested.

áCar dealers would be bribed with money, free vacations, free food, and free cars by automobile sales representatives to push certain cars.


áCars with no seatbelts, airbags, crumple zones, or other safety systems would be declared perfectly safe by the FDA, which would instead focus on the dangers of bicycles.

áDriver's ed programs would be cancelled nationwide, and people would be encouraged to buy new cars rather than repair damaged ones or avoid accidents in the first place.

áSafety tests showing that cars were dangerous would be buried, and scientists who produced such results would be prevented from ever conducting car safety tests ever again.

áAfter being sued by customers injured in the cars with no safety systems, automakers would further lobby Congress to pass laws protecting car companies against class-action lawsuits.

áAny federally mandated warnings about car safety problems would be printed in small type on a tiny label hidden under the driver's seat.

áDriving certain cars would cause side effects like loss of sex drive or full-body muscle pain.


áCar companies would heavily promote new models each year, which would be no different from the ones they were selling 30 years ago.
áCar companies would invent reasons for you to buy a dozen or more cars.

áAutomobile advertising would be filled with pictures of happy, healthy, energetic drivers, but the cars would break down constantly, fail to perform as promised, and quickly stop working.

áCars would be sold to you with extra features like a sunroof, air conditioning, or a navigational system, but when the car arrived none of these features would be included, just as drug companies exaggerate the "multiple health benefits" of their products.