Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Yes, Aspartame Is a Carcinogen

Splenda sent me to the hospital with a liver swelled up twice its normal size... hubby took a sip of flavored Dasani w/out realizing they added Splenda to it... 'course he noticed right after he took a sip... but that got his heart racing, he broke out in a sweat and had a hard time catching his breath. We've noticed that since we have moved away from sugar so much that when we do have some (like jelly beans from the Easter bunny) we really notice the effects in our bodies. We'd never really noticed it before when we were eating sugar all the time... I posit that it is because we are closer to an actual healthy normal functioning body. That we are not naturally meant to process that load of sugar we have available today... so now our bodies are more used to the way it is supposed to be. Introducing sugar back into the diet in a big way.. wow... the effects are immediately noticable. I see how/why I used to be such a consumate grouch all the time.. as I tend to become so again if I have a lot of sugar, my patience goes way down, I'm more tired, more prone to being anxious about something... big changes. I don't like it. So it is like we get used to a 'normal' that isn't really a 'normal' at all.

The artificial crutch to 'satisfy a sweet tooth' is even worse. I remember trying and trying to get on the bandwagon of NutraSweet when it came out (taste factor was just nasty).. and I look back and see.. how badly I bombed on my school work, how crappy I felt, how sick I would get all the time. Now I avoid it like the plague of course.. and articles like this just make me mad. Mad at the people that are pushing this toxicity into our population at younger and younger ages... touting it as a 'healthy' choice, making it seem so good for the diabetic. *shakes head* Hubby was diabetic and all it did was make it harder to control his glucose levels and he felt like absolute crap. Crap I tell you. And hubby *was* diabetic.. we made new choices in our lives.. it wasn't a diet.. it was a concious shift to just be merciful to our bodies and fuel it with what it is really asking for. Real food. Real sweets... aka... honey, agave, stevia, etc... and using those sparingly.

Folks.. honestly we DO NOT NEED a dessert type item ALL DAY. Or even once a day. Or even once a week. They were called 'treats' for a reason. Just because they *are* readily available does not mean we need to indulge readily. It's a choice. That gallon gulp of soda is just not needed.. the twinkies, the candy bar, the cakes... it is not the 'treat' that is such a problem.. it is our reluctance and defiance to realize that the definition of a treat is 'something we indulge in ON OCCASION', not a daily component to our diets.

Ok.. rant over for now... *breathes deeply*. My point is.. that because of our defiance to let go of this obsession with eating all things sweet and our thought that if sugar itself is not such a good choice then one *must* have a chemical alternative... well that alternative is in even worse idea. It's your body... the only one you have. Having a change of heart and eating in a healthy way is a choice of life.. it is not a deprivation. The deprivation is in making life stealing choices. Ain't nobody in your noggin but you making your choices.


'Yes, Aspartame Is a Carcinogen'
Francesca Colombo*

BOLOGNA, Apr 15 (Tierramérica) - The Italian scientist Morando Soffritti has revived the debate about the safety of aspartame, an artificial sweetener used in many popular products, including diet softdrinks made by Coca-Cola and Pepsi Co. After studying 1,800 rats over eight years, his research team concluded that aspartame could have carcinogenic effects.

The results, first released in July 2005 and published in March in the U.S. Department of Health's journal, "Environmental Health Perspectives", contradict other studies financed by the company that created the sweetner, G.D. Searle & Company, which assures aspartame poses no risks to human health.

For the past 25 years, the product has been authorised by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human consumption.

The sale of aspartame, with only four calories per gram and 200 times sweeter than sugar, is sold under the trademarks NutraSweet and Equal, bringing in 570 million dollars a year. It is estimated that some 350 million people around the world, many in hopes of losing weight, consume aspartame daily through 6,000 kinds of foods and beverages. In Europe alone, 2,000 tonnes of the sweetener are sold annually.

Soffritti's investigation was conducted at the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Centre, of the European Ramazzini Foundation in Bologna, which he heads. This institution, founded in 1971, won international credibility when it uncovered the cancer-causing properties of the gasoline additive MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether), which led to its ban in 21 U.S. states.

Tierramérica spoke with Soffritti in Italy. Following are excerpts from that dialogue:

Q: What are the results of your investigations conducted between 1997 and 2005 about the effect of aspartame?

A: The results indicate that aspartame is a multi-potential carcinogen, even consumed daily at 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. That is a lower quantity than the maximum recommended by the FDA (50 mg/kg of body weight) and the European Union (40 mg/kg).

Article continued HERE

Sunday, April 16, 2006

This is what we're saying!!

We've been talking of this forever folks.. our mom's were right to say 'we are what we eat' and to 'eat our vegetables'.. only we didn't understand that when we don't eat foods that actually give our bodies nutrients rather than empty calories and how much it effects us.

We found this with our son Elias. When he eats table sugar or things with regular sugar in it.. watch out! He has a very hard time controlling his emotions...everything becomes exceedingly dramatic; joy, fear, pain, frustration, anger. Even Kix cereal is too high in high glycemic content for him. Trust me Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween are both studies in emotional management and very careful parceling of sugary treats. The rest of the year... it is increasingly rare that we indulge in the high sugar treats. We've found it is just not worth the headache for the most part.

What we do with Mannatech is intimately related to this as well.. we work with the very nutrients we may need the most. The glyconutrients that make up the chains of molecules our cells use to communicate with each other. Without these key nutrients.. well ever play telephone with a larger group of people? No matter how large that was, it was infinitely less complex than the vast number of cells we have in our body that need to communicate with each other. Or imagine trying to read a sentence devoid of all vowels. How well would you be able to communicate your message?

s ths gttng acrss t ny n?

Or even worse.. imagine you could suddenly only use the short line and the small curve that make up our alphabet. How clear would your sentences be then? How many letters in this sentence along would be effected?

Scientists have been finding that without these critical nutrients our bodies are not able to get across their needs, they are not able to accept key components they require (ie insulin), they are fighting their native cells (autoimmune issues), they aren't recognizing enemies early enough to do something about it (cancers, etc). We have been seeing the body bounce back to wellness in the most amazing ways. Now this fascinating article about the use of nutrients in reducing violent behavior. Not as a tranquilizers.. rather as a modulator that allows the body to regulate, defend and repair itself as it is intended to do and allow the person to act in a higher capacity of thought, rather than in a reactionary emotion.

Published: April 16, 2006

Most prisons are notorious for the quality of their cuisine (pretty poor) and the behavior of their residents (pretty violent). They are therefore ideal locations to test a novel hypothesis: that violent aggression is largely a product of poor nutrition. Toward that end, researchers are studying whether inmates become less violent when put on a diet rich in vitamins and in the fatty acids found in seafood.

Could a salmon steak and a side of spinach really help curb violence, not just in prison but everywhere? In 2001, Dr. Joseph Hibbeln, a senior clinical investigator at the National Institutes of Health, published a study, provocatively titled "Seafood Consumption and Homicide Mortality," that found a correlation between a higher intake of omega-3 fatty acids (most often obtained from fish) and lower murder rates.

Link to rest of article

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